Craniosacral Fascial Therapy

What is Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) ?

CFT is based on Dr. Barry Gillespie’s findings that the Craniosacral and Fascial systems are not separate, but one interconnected system. CFT blends two established modalities: Cranial Sacral Therapy and Myofascial Release, into a single, highly effective therapy.

Dr. Barry Gillespie discovered the Craniosacral Fascial System, which consists of a slight motion of the brain and spinal cord pumping cerebrospinal fluid into the fascial web that permeates and connects every structural cell of the body. 

CFT revolves around gentle hands-on techniques that work to unwind and release tightness in the fascia to facilitate a freely moving brain, spinal cord and fascial web, which are essential for the well being of all newborns, children and adults.

What is Fascia?

Fascia is an all-encompassing web of connective tissue found throughout the body that structurally supports and protects the entire body as a whole. It is a transport system that helps nourish and detoxify the body. A healthy fascial system allows for the free flow of cerebrospinal fluid from the brain, down the spine and into the fascia.

What does a CFT session look like for baby?

CFT is a gentle, non-invasive, hands on therapy technique guided by the infant. Infant-Driven Movement (IDM) allows the therapist to listen to the baby as they stretch through their fascial strain patterns. 

The provider softly feels for connective tissue or fascial restrictions. The baby then drives their own movement by stretching, bending, flexing, extending (arching) or twisting while the practitioner gently allows, supports, follows and feels the soft tissues of the body release.

Like a knot in a necklace delicately loosening and unwinding, baby can beautifully release their tightness and fascial strain patterns, relax, and heal. The goal is to create a strain-free, thriving and happy baby.

Common symptoms/conditions that may benefit from CFT

  • Birth trauma

  • Tongue tie/Lip tie

  • Torticollis

  • Reflux

  • Colic

  • Inability to latch


  • Difficulty sucking

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Constipation

  • Head asymmetry

  • Earache

  • General fussiness

  • Asthma

  • Earache

  • Concussion


  • Learning disorders

  • Sinus conditions


  • Anxiety

  • Neck pain

  • Digestive Issues

  • Bedwetting

  • Headache

  • Scoliosis

Pricing for In-Office Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) Session: $120