
At this time, Tied Together Occupational Therapy is an out-of-network provider for all insurance companies and is currently a private pay practice only. We currently accept multiple forms of payment including Health Savings Account (HSA)/Flexible Spending Account (FSA) card.

Things to think about when choosing private pay services

  • Does your insurance plan include out-of-network benefits? If so, your insurance company may cover a portion of the services.

    • You will first have to call your insurance company and ask if you are eligible for an out-of-network occupational therapy evaluation and/or occupational therapy reimbursement. If yes, we can provide you with a SUPERBILL (receipt of services). This will contain all the necessary information for you to submit to your own insurance company and seek out reimbursement. Reach out to me for a phone consultation and I’d be happy to walk you through the process and provide you with additional information!

  • Do you have a yearly in-network deductible that has to be met in order for insurance to begin covering therapy services?

    • Some families find that due to high in-network deductibles within their current plan, they may be paying an even higher rate through an in-network provider until that deductible is met. Many of my clients see improvements after just a couple of sessions and don’t need $2,500/year in therapy, so wouldn’t hit their in-network deductible anyways!

  • Do you have a high co-pay?

  • Do you have an HSA or FSA that you could use to pay for occupational therapy services?

  • You as the parent get to decide the therapist that is best suited for your child's and family’s needs rather than an insurance company telling you who to see

  • You as the parent along with the guidance of your therapist get to choose what the therapy goals are for your child and what to focus on during sessions rather than adhering to certain goals required by for insurance coverage

  • Flexible scheduling and availability (including evenings or weekends)

  • Option for home visits (additional fees do apply)

  • No insurance = less documentation which means more quality time to focus on your child's therapy

  • No referral from a doctor is needed which means therapy can start right away

  • No cap on amount of sessions or the duration of each session length

  • You can stay with your child's therapist even if your insurance plan coverage changes

Benefits of private pay

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone. I offer a complimentary phone consultation to answer any questions you have and determine whether your child may benefit from any of my services.


  • Caregiver Interview/Intake, Clinical Observations and Assessment, Collaborative Goal Planning, Written Home Program, Education and Support (1.5 hr)

  • Follow-up, Implementation of Individualized Interventions, Collaborative Planning, Education and Support (1 hr)

  • Caregiver Interview/Intake, Clinical Observations and Assessment, Collaborative Goal Planning, Written Home Program, Education and Support (1.5 hr)

  • Follow-up, Implementation of Individualized Interventions, Collaborative Planning, Education and Support (1 hr)

  • Individualized support, guidance, education, and tools to start you and your baby on a successful journey to starting solids (45 mins)

Infant/Toddler Feeding/Oral Motor/Development

  • Caregiver Interview, Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire, Clinical Observations and Assessment, Collaborative Goal Planning, Education and Support (1.5 hr)

  • Follow-up, Implementation of Individualized Interventions, Collaborative Planning, Education and Support (45 mins)

  • Caregiver Interview, Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire, Clinical Observations and Assessment, Collaborative Goal Planning, Education and Support (1.5 hr)

  • Follow-up, Implementation of Individualized Interventions, Collaborative Planning, Education and Support (45 mins)

Myofunctional Therapy

Craniosacral Fascial Therapy

  • 0-10 miles: included

    11-15 miles: $15

    16-20 miles: $25

    21-25 miles: $40

    26-30 miles: $55